Granny Tales and Granny Squares

Granny Square Fabric by Julia Monroe

A Granny Square is a crochet motif usually made in the shape of a square by working from the center outward. Granny Squares are colorful, plentiful and varied. The same can be said about folk and fairy tales about grannies, grandmothers and other "old women".

Granny Tales and Granny Squares is a storytelling program that combines stories and the art of crochet.

LaurenLanita will tell stories of Grannies and Old Women while displaying (or even making on the spot) a variety of granny square motifs and relating the square design to the stories.

There are stories of grannies bearing gifts, old women who best the gods, grannies in pumpkins, grannies that dance, old women outsmarting tigers, grandmothers that bring light  and old women who prove that you can take it with you!

A beginners crochet workshop and a beginners granny square workshop are available.

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