
My Other Blogs

Please visit my other storytelling blogs.... is a fun site for children and adults. I "tell" you a story and then take a particular dish or ingredient in the story and find a fun recipe. is similar to my cooking blog. I "tell" a story and then give you a related craft. Sometimes I throw in a video or a link to a site with more activities. It's a great site to visit when you're looking for fun activity.
is a site with a variety of songs, stories and just interesting kid news and activites that a substitute teacher or anyone that works with kids might find useful. is a storytelling site that can appeal to adults and children. I often post stories for the older listener/reader as well as posting lesson ideas, websites or videos. , yes it is a mouthful, is a blog where I put up a variety of fables. And not just Aesops fables. I also have fables from Jean de la Fontaine and Leonardo De Vinci (bet you didn't know he wrote fables).

I hope you enjoy my blogs and I would love to hear your thoughts on them.

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